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Father Franz Schmidberger, former Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, discusses the relationship between Archbishop Marcel LeFebvre, and the modern Popes. 

Ever since the Second Vatican council, tension with Rome has been very high, as Liberals and Marxists hijacked the Church, and broke with the 2,000 year Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, and Archbishop LeFebvre stood up and defended the truth against those who were trying to destroy the church.

Father Schmidberger discusses the backstory of Vatican II and the changes implemented by John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II,  and Benedict.

Since this lecture was given on March 12, 2006, Pope Francis had not yet been elected Pope, and some of the new developments are obviously not discussed.

Father Schmidberger divides his talk into four parts: 

He starts by talking about the ministry of Saint Peter (The Pope). 

The second part discusses the attitude of Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX towards these modern (conciliar) popes. 

The Third part asks weather these popes are TRUE popes (looking into the ideas of Sedevacantism). 

The Fourth Part draws some conclusions, and takes a look towards the future.