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In this Traditional Catholic Catechism Class, a Traditionalist priest discusses different topics relating to sin.

First, he discusses the nature of sin, and gives the traditional Thomistic definition of sin as used in the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. That definition is “Aversion from God, conversion to creatures.”

After discussing this general definition of sin, and the 3 components of mortal sin, i.e. knowledge that the action or behavior is sinful, full consent of the will in this action, and that it is a sufficiently grave matter, father then delves into questions and complications regarding souls in a state of sin.

One question he discusses at length is whether or not it is possible for virtue to exist within a soul that is in the state of mortal sin? Is sin incompatible with virtue?

He proceeds by distinguishing the Natural virtues from the Supernatural virtues, and their relationship to our life of Grace.